Paper Dragon Ink is an awesome site that provides all kinds of entertainment and resources for creative people! The post art, news, and reviews on alot of great stuff.
I joined there first contest(or at least the first on I heard of) about a year ago on myspace, and now they are having another one on
I highly encourage everyone to go and check out the
artists. My favorite part about this contest is all of the contestants had to fill out a questionnaire....
Q) When the zombies take over the world where will you be? I will be underground in the only surviving city of the living ,with a bucket of make-up, painting over the anti-zombie warriors to make them look undead, therefore helping the resistance to infiltrate the legion of undead and claim our world back! Viva la revolution!
Ha! Yep, that was my answer to that question. Read my entire survey
HERE or go
HERE to click on all the artists and read each ones survey. We all had the same questions.
While I would love it if you would vote for me, it is by no mean necessary, just vote for your favorite! You vote by commenting under the piece of artwork you like best, go
HERE to visit the album on their facebook!
FYI, this is my piece they posted on facebook.